Reporters really do wish you knew the ground rules of a media interview
The Ground Rules
Every form of communication has its rules and rights. A media interview is no exception. An interview is a high-risk proposition and it is my fundamental belief that most interview disasters can be traced back to something the interviewee did or didn’t do –– not the reporter.
What You Need to Know About Journalists
Reporters are essentially story tellers with whom any interaction should be regarded cautiously and prepared for fully. It is not a conversation but a probing question and answer interaction, conducted by (usually) a trained, professional journalist whose purpose is to extract information from you, and translate it for his or her viewers, listeners or readers.
What is News?
Remember, it’s called the NEWS business, not the "interesting" or marketing business. Whether they are seeking you out OR you are pitching them a story, reporters are ALWAYS looking for some very definite elements. To the extent that you give it to them, you improve your chances of getting what you want covered, and controlling what is eventually included in the story.
How to Take Control of ANY Media Interview
In a media interview you control more than you know. But if you don’t exercise it, you could get steamrolled. Be strategic. Be committed. Know what you control and never forget it.
Mastering the Media Interview, Secrets of the World's Best Spokespeople
There are 10 Rules to Mastering any Media Interview. The first one is that the success of your interview depends on you. Do you have the skills and training to survive ANY media interview situation?
Techniques Reporters Use to Get Their Story
Most reporters are fair. But they have a job to do and an agenda that by its very nature conflicts with yours. It pays to know what they know.